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Billrothstrasse 78
Vienna 1190


Plastische und Rekonstruktive Chirurgie

Plastischer Chirurg

Professor Dr. Chieh-Han John Tzou was trained at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria (MUW) and at the Chang Gung Medical University Taipei-Linkou, Taiwan. He was a visitor at the Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea and the Medical University of Tokyo, Japan. He is specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery and his research focus is in facial palsy, lymphedema and the peripheral nerve.
He has been invited to numerous international conferences; moreover as a mentor and teacher he has trained plastic reconstructive surgeons, medical students and medical nurses at the Medical University Hospital of Vienna, Austria.


Prof. Dr. Chieh-Han John TZOU

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Plastic Surgery 

Plastic Surgeon

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon, Facial Palsy Reanimation, Lymphedema Surgery, Microsurgery, Hand Surgery, Nerve Surgery, 

Rekonstruktive und ästhetische Gesichtschirurgie:

Anatomy: eye, eyebrow, eyelid, lower lid, upper lid, cornea, sclera, forehead, hairline, mouth, lip, nose, skull, cheek, face, skin, ear, earlobe,

Diagnosis: Wrinkles, blepharochalasis, dark circles, loose skin, asymmetry, facial palsy, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, protruding ears, nose deviation, beak nose, hook nose, muscle palsy, congenital malformation, blepharospasm


Treatment: moist chamber dressing, fillers, hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, facial reanimation, tarsorrhaphy, katopexy, blepharoplasty, flap, graft, gold-weight, titanium-weight, lifting procedure, brow lift, facelift, otoplasty, cross-face nerve graft, muscle transplantation, gracilis muscle, temporal muscle transposition, peripheral nerve surgery, reconstruction, cartilage graft, gold implant, titanium implant, ear reconstruction, myectomy, lipofilling, fat grafting



Lymphedema Reconstructive Lymphedema Surgery LVA


Anatomy upper arm, forearm, fingers, back, upper arm, forearm, leg, toes, instep, genital, penis, scrotum, labia, breast, axillary gap, thigh leg armpit


Lymphedema, cellulitis, erysipelas, swelling, redness, pain, lipoedema, Elephatiasis, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, lymph node metastasis, lymph node resections lymph mammary carcinoma lymph axillary, bladder cancer

Complex Physical decongestive Therapy, CPE, complexe, bandages, compression, compression stocking, LVA, Lymphovenous anastomosis, bypass, VLNT, vascularized lymph node transplantation, lymph node transfer, flap surgery, groin flap, submental, Supraclavicular, Omentum, Thoracica Lateralis, Manual lymphatic drainage, stockings, decongestion exercise therapy, breathing exercises, skin care, lymphatic drainage, lymph surgery lymphsurgery  supermicrosurgery microscope 


Mission Statement

We are committed to provide personalized and confidential care with compassion and excellence.
This patient-focused approach in a safe and convenient environment, is intended to promote long-term health and well-being that result in patient satisfaction. Our high-quality therapy concepts are individualized for each patient in every detail, medically, aesthetically and scientifically.